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Connect with Your Heart

From the inception of fire, it became an integral part of tribal and village life.  A place where community gathered to keep themselves warm, cook food, tell stories, share laughter, play music, sing, dance, and other communal activities.  Many of us in the modern world have lost connection to fire and its ability to create warmth of heart and connection.  Fire has the capacity to transform our lives in unimaginable ways.

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Everyone is welcome!

We gather around the fire to connect with fire, ourselves, our community and the natural world that we live in.  In the safe space provided, we share jokes, laugh, sing, drum, share poetry or favourite quotes and share from the heart. 

To receive notifications of our upcoming fires, click on the sign up button below.

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All people alive today are descended from ancestors who lived in the earliest days of humanity. Our ancestors depended on fire’s protection, warmth, light and energy. 

This relationship with fire went beyond mere utility.

Time spent around sacred fires helped people connect with nature, quiet the mind and deepen spiritual awareness. As our world grows faster and more complex, we’ve forgotten the benefits of fire.

The Sacred Fire organization reignites this tradition today.

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Tibrata Gillies

Tibrata started training as a Firekeeper in 2017 and was initiated as a Firekeeper with the Sacred Fire organization  in December 2019.  She continues to deepen her training and her relationship with fire to better facilitate community fires.  This is a  life-long commitment; to offer fires for her community for the benefit of all.

Tibrata is drawn to fire and its ability to rekindle a sense of connection to fire, self (through the heart), others and nature; thereby developing a rich tapestry of community.  Additionally, fire connects us to ancestral knowledge, wisdom and healing. 

Fire provides us with much needed support, medicine and deep healing.

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The Sacred Fire organization has Initiated Firekeepers who are  trained in the time-honored principles of Fire Work—how to expand and enrich our relationships through the connective and transformative power of Fire. Being together around fire in this way is an ancient “alternative medicine” that opens an opportunity for personal and group transformation.

Sacred Fire hosts community fires throughout the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Greece and Australia.

In addition to Community Fires, Sacred Fire offers programs that suggest approaches to living with the natural cycles of life.

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“The sacred fires have been a very meaningful doorway in my life, to a stronger sense of connection, heartfulness and community.”

Sacred Fire Participant

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227 Brown Road, Enterprise, Ontario, Canada K0H 1Z0


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